Welcome to May
Hello Members, I hope this email finds you well and that things are looking a little brighter this month than they did last month. There have been some new developments in what hospitality business can now do. There is a link for a FREE Course (limited time) where all hospitality staff must complete. We also have a "road map" which makes things a little clearer and a timeline for when things can get back to our new normal. For those of you who have decided on Job Keeper you should start to see payments coming through any day now, which I'm sure will provide some much need relief, to you as business owners as well as your staff.
#weareallinthistogether Below there are several links to tender opportunities and grants for additional funding, or ways you can contact your local Government to have your say. If you have something that you would like to be included in the Chamber Email, please email secretary@manjimupchamber.org.au
Hospitality Providers Important Information
The WA State Government has mandated that as a condition of re-opening, the hospitality and tourism business must have a Hygiene Officer on duty at all times.
Hygiene Officers will help ensure staff and venues remain compliant with COVID-19 restrictions and hygiene standards. By having a more detailed understanding of the following training modules contained in the AHA COVID-19 Hospitality & Tourism Hygiene Course, Hygiene Officers will ensure best practice is adhered to so that patrons and staff remain safe. There is now a FREE course that will soon be mandatory (and payment required) that all hospitality providers need to complete, this including all staff. The link to the free course is https://hospitalityhygiene.com/aha-covid-19-hospitality-tourism-hygiene-course/
For those of you who fall under "Hospitality" some important developments have come about this week.
“accommodation providers can take bookings from within their region provided they do not open their bar, restaurant or function facilities if they have them. Social distancing and good hygiene measures also need to apply.” (WA Govt COVID hotline)
This is good news and we are certainly moving in the right direction!! Debbie Noonan (Margaret River Guest House, is starting up an accommodation Association (WA Accommodation Association WAAA) she had the below to say to Terry Redman
"Many accommodation providers today mentioned lack of guidelines on cleaning linen and bedding especially pillows is an issue moving forward. In the past weeks I have setup WA accommodation association. Website is currently under construction. This association will be for all forms of accommodation across WA aim to give clear guidelines and advocacy for our industry. I am in process of getting the committee together so if you know anyone who would like to be part of this please send them my way”. (Debbie Noonan - Margaret River guest house)
if anyone is interested in joining her please get in touch. Her email for this, if interested is admin@waaa.org.au and website when it is finally up will be www.waaa.org.au
The State Government has announced that a South-West business register has been established ahead of the release of the Bunbury Waterfront Stage Two development tender to allow local businesses to register their interest in working on the multi-million-dollar project. A tender for the multi-million-dollar landscaping and site redevelopment works will be released in coming weeks. The register of South-West businesses will be provided to prospective lead contractors to fast-track the engagement of local workers and material suppliers. Transforming Bunbury's Waterfront project is being delivered by the South West Development Commission, in partnership with Development WA, the City of Bunbury and the Department of Transport, under the guidance of the Bunbury Development Committee. https://www.mediastatements.wa.gov.au/Pages/McGowan/2020/05/South-West-businesses-invited-to-help-transform-Bunbury-Waterfront.aspx
Survey Results
Please find the results from our third survey into the impact of COVID 19 on WA regional businesses. We had a great response with all nine regions being well represented.
The data of most concern to RCCIWA from this survey is:
90% of the respondents out of the total of 370 have been negatively or severely negatively impacted
32% of businesses have lost 75-100% of their business income
There was however continued improved in that 76% of all businesses felt confident that their business would survive this crisis, which was at 50% 5 weeks ago and at 60% three weeks ago. Interestingly, of the businesses who said they have lost 100% of their business, 92% still said they would recover.
We will be conducting these surveys every 15 days or so and will continue to share this information with you. Our questions will remain as per this survey to be able to effectively measure change and sentiment as the economic impacts of COVID 19 take effect. If you would like the full report sent to you please let me know at secretary@manjimupchamber.org.au Please keep an eye out for the next survey which will be sent as its own email.
Today Minister MacTiernan opened Round 3 of the Regional Economic Development (RED) grants funding program: https://www.mediastatements.wa.gov.au/Pages/McGowan/2020/05/Round-three-of-RED-Grants-now-open.aspx Details about the program and link to the online application form are available on the SWDC website http://www.swdc.wa.gov.au/funding/red-grants.aspx In this round eligible applicants can apply for South West RED Grants funding of up to $200,000 for individual projects. The objectives of the RED Grants Program include: • sustainable jobs; • expanding or diversifying industry; • developing skills or capabilities; • attracting new investment in the region; • maximising recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic impacts. Projects that specifically align with one or more of the South West Regional Priorities will attract a higher weighting in the assessment process. The South West Regional Priorities are: • Investing in innovation or value-adding in one or more of the following key industry areas: - mining; - tourism and events; - manufacturing/advanced manufacturing; - agriculture; or - energy • Maximising international and interstate markets or exports • Aboriginal small business development All applicants are encouraged to discuss their project with SWDC officers prior to submitting an application. For more information phone 9792 2000 or email grantscoordinator@swdc.wa.gov.au
Fair Work Commission responds to COVID-19 Pandemic: Award Variations
In astatementreleased by the Fair Work Commission Full Bench (FWCFB) on 1 April 2020 they provided their provisional view on temporary changes to be made to 103 Modern Awards in response to the current COVID-19 Pandemic. These changes are aimed at providing more flexibility for employers and protection for their employees during these unprecedented times. The proposed changed include the ability to access unpaid leave, which the FWCFB refers to as “unpaid pandemic leave”, and to access annual leave entitlements in a flexible fashion, specifically the ability to take twice the amount of accrued annual leave at half the pay to assist in getting through periods where work is not available.
The FWCFB stated there was a ‘regulatory gap’ in the current award safety net for employees who are required to self-isolate due to COVID-19. The temporary absence provisions, found under section 352 of theFair Work Act 2009 (the Act), only protect an employee from dismissal on the grounds of illness or injury. Under the current provisions a person who is self-isolating, but who is not ill or injured, is not protected by section 352 during a period of leave they are needing to take due to government directives, and theoretically might be terminated by an employer for that absence.
Subsequently, the FWCFB released adecisionon 8 April 2020 confirming variations to 99 Modern Awards to fill the ‘regulatory gap’. Some industries, including construction, maritime and mining and resource have not been varied at this stage. However, the FWCFB has stated that this is only phase 1 and in the longer-term modern awards in these industries may be varied as part of a later phase.
The variations include:
Unpaid pandemic leave
An entitlement for an employee to take up to 2 weeks’ unpaid leave if the employee is required, by government or medical authorities or acting on advice of a medical practitioner, to self-isolate or is otherwise prevented from working by measures taken by government authorities due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Any employee will be required to provide notice to their employer as soon as practicable (which may be after the period of leave commences) and will need to provide evidence to their employer that is similar to any other period of medical leave.
Annual leave at half pay
The ability for employers and employees to agree in writing to an employee taking a period of annual leave that is twice as long, at half pay. Any agreement must be retained as an employee record.
It is important that employers are aware that any employee who is entitled to the benefit of this variation will have a workplace right under s341(1)(a) of the Act, so any adverse action taken against an employee for exercising this right, may lead to a general protections claim.
These variations will apply until 30 June 2020, but may be extended by the FWC.
A list of affected Modern Awards can be found at the end of this article.
For more information or if you would like to subscribed to our Award Updating Service, contact CCIWA’s Employee Relations Advice Centre on (08) 9365 7660 or emailadvice@cciwa.com.
Modern Awards Affected:
Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services Award 2010
Aged Care Award 2010
Air Pilots Award 2010
Aircraft Cabin Crew Award 2010
Airline Operations-Ground Staff Award 2010
Airport Employees Award 2010
Alpine Resorts Award 2010
Aluminium Industry Award 2020
Ambulance and Patient Transport Industry Award 2020
Amusement, Events and Recreation Award 2010
Animal Care and Veterinary Services Award 2020
Aquaculture Industry Award 2020
Architects Award 2010
Asphalt Industry Award 2010
Banking, Finance and Insurance Award 2020
Book Industry Award 2020
Broadcasting, Recorded Entertainment and Cinemas Award 2010
Business Equipment Award 2010
Car Parking Award 2020
Cement, Lime and Quarrying Award 2020
Cemetery Industry Award 2020
Children’s Services Award 2010
Cleaning Services Award 2010
Clerks - Private Sector Award 2010
Commercial Sales Award 2010
Concrete Products Award 2010
Contract Call Centres Award 2010
Corrections and Detention (Private Sector) Award 2020
Cotton Ginning Award 2020
Dry Cleaning and Laundry Industry Award 2010
Educational Services (Post-Secondary Education) Award 2010
Educational Services (Schools) General Staff Award 2010
Educational Services (Teachers) Award 2010
Fast Food Industry Award 2010
Fitness Industry Award 2010
Food, Beverage and Tobacco Manufacturing Award 2010
Funeral Industry Award 2010
Gardening and Landscaping Services Award 2020
General Retail Industry Award 2010
Graphic Arts, Printing and Publishing Award 2010
Hair and Beauty Industry Award 2010
Health Professionals and Support Services Award 2010
Higher Education Industry-Academic Staff-Award 2010
Higher Education Industry-General Staff-Award 2010
Horse and Greyhound Training Award 2010
Horticulture Award 2010
Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010
Journalists Published Media Award 2010
Labour Market Assistance Industry Award 2010
Legal Services Award 2020
Live Performance Award 2010
Local Government Industry Award 2010
Mannequins and Models Award 2010
Manufacturing and Associated Industries and Occupations Award 2010
Marine Tourism and Charter Vessels Award 2010
Market and Social Research Award 2020
Meat Industry Award 2010
Medical Practitioners Award 2020
Miscellaneous Award 2010
Nursery Award 2020
Nurses Award 2010
Passenger Vehicle Transportation Award 2010
Pastoral Award 2010
Pest Control Industry Award 2010
Pharmaceutical Industry Award 2010
Pharmacy Industry Award 2010
Poultry Processing Award 2010
Premixed Concrete Award 2020
Professional Diving Industry (Recreational) Award 2010
Professional Employees Award 2010
Racing Clubs Events Award 2010
Racing Industry Ground Maintenance Award 2020
Rail Industry Award 2010
Real Estate Industry Award 2020
Registered and Licensed Clubs Award 2010
Restaurant Industry Award 2010
Road Transport (Long Distance Operations) Award 2010
Road Transport and Distribution Award 2010
Salt Industry Award 2010
Seafood Processing Award 2020
Security Services Industry Award 2010
Silviculture Award 2020
Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award 2010
Sporting Organisations Award 2020
State Government Agencies Award 2020
Storage Services and Wholesale Award 2010
Sugar Industry Award 2010
Supported Employment Services Award 2010
Surveying Award 2020
Telecommunications Services Award 2010
Textile, Clothing, Footwear and Associated Industries Award 2010
Timber Industry Award 2010
Transport (Cash in Transit) Award 2010
Travelling Shows Award 2020
Vehicle Manufacturing, Repair, Services and Retail Award 2010
Waste Management Award 2010
Water Industry Award 2020
Wine Industry Award 2010
Wool Storage, Sampling and Testing Award 2010
Available TAFE Courses
Education and Community Services
CHC30213 – Certificate III in Education Support
Provides you with skills and knowledge to assist teaching staff in schools and care and supervision for children from kindergarten to year 10.
CHC40213 – Certificate IV in Education Support
Learn skills to manage challenging behaviours and assist in classroom management for higher-needs children from kindergarten to year 12.
CHC40113 - Certificate IV in School Age Education and Care
Gain the skills to support the development and wellbeing of children in out of school hours care and school holiday programs.
CHC30113 – Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
This qualification provides an opportunity to become a childcare educator, nanny or family day care educator.
CHC50113 – Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
Learn how to plan, implement and manage programs in early childhood services (0-12 years) in accordance with requirements.
CHC33015 – Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing)
This course provides students with the skills essential to a care and support worker in community and residential aged care.
CHC33015 – Certificate III in Individual Support (Home and Community)
Learn how to provide direct care to clients who are unable to care for themselves due to ill health or disability in a residential or community setting.
CHC33015 – Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability)
You will learn how to provide support to meet personal care needs, implement individualised plans and empower those with disabilities.
English and Foundation Studies
10727NAT – Certificate I in Spoken and Written English
Learn skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing English within the context of living in Australia. Ideal for students from a non-English speaking background.
10728NAT – Certificate II in Spoken and Written English
This is a bridging qualification for adults from non-English speaking backgrounds. It develops your language and literacy skills to undertake further education and training, seek and maintain employment and participate in the community.
22476VIC – Certificate I in General Education for Adults (Introductory)
22472VIC – Certificate I in General Education for Adults
22473VIC – Certificate II in General Education for Adults
This course is ideal to help you develop reading, writing and numeracy skills in an adult environment and improve your knowledge with special interest electives. It is a pathway to participation in the community, the workplace and further education and training.
Agriculture, Science and the Environment
AHC30116 – Certificate III in Agriculture
AHC30116 – Certificate III in Agriculture (Livestock)
Gain an understanding of agricultural practices in livestock and cropping production.
AHC20316 – Certificate II in Production Horticulture
Learn how to treat weeds, pests and diseases, operate machinery and install irrigation systems
Business and Finance
FNS30317 - Certificate III in Accounts Administration.
Gain entry level skills for roles in administration across a range of businesses and organisations.
FNS40217 – Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping
This course is for contract bookeepers, BAS agents and those performing bookkeeping tasks.
BSB20115 – Certificate II in Business
Gain entry-level skills for roles in administration including communication, IT and records.
BSB30415 – Certificate III in Business Administration
Design and produce documents and organise personal work priorities and schedules.
BSB40515 – Certificate IV in Business Administration
Learn advanced office administrative procedures, staff management and prepare financial reports
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